Now, before you stop reading or call me an Ole' Grouch, let me explain my observations. Parenthood is the biggest "Bait N' Switch" in life. I don't mean that to sound as if I don't like being a father. I absolutely love it. And if you're my age, you'll get exactly what I said. Having a child is a gift that keeps giving and changes every single day. My oldest child alone has been a gift that has given and changed over Eight Thousand Four Hundred times! Let me say that again, 8400! I myself have been giving my parents non-stop joy over 17,000 different days! No need to thank me mom and dad.
God knows this truth and David wrote about it in Proverbs 22:6;
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
I've struggled with this verse from day one. Hidden within that first half (the underlined part) is the most difficult challenge a parent will face, recognizing how your child has been designed by God and working toward that "bent". That's the meaning of "in the way he should go", working to understand their unique design and enabling that for success. No pressure.
Most parents (including us!) try to mold a child in their own image. Big mistake, that's already been done by God. Your children will resemble you, too closely at times. But at the end of the day, they are their own person.
Here's my advice to new parents and it's not original or unique: Enjoy every day. You're in this for the long haul, you have thousands of days before you and you need to conserve your energy. What's unique and original is your child, NOT what they are doing because every kid has done the same thing. Pay attention to how or why they do something or why they don't. Your child is unique and original, there's no one else in the world who's ever been like them or will be like them. You will need God to help you. I'm more and more convinced parenting is the biggest leap of faith anyone can undertake.
God's Speed.....